Emily dowd
My name is Emily, an 18 year old who has been studying UAL Level 3 Creative Media (photography) since September 2022. Since, I have experimented with a range of different photography styles/ genres embedding context within my final photographs. Within my FMP I wanted to experiment with a style of photography that hadn’t been one of my main focuses throughout the past 2 years to present a more personal feel within my final images, which is why I choose studio photography. The following sequence of images explore femininity and the negatives of being a woman within today's society and generation, with the constant pressure from the media to fit certain stereotypes. These stereotypes and impossible beauty standards for women are putting at risk both women's mental and physical health, spiking rates of depression, anxiety, body dysmorphia etc. I additionally looked at the male gaze exploring the effects it has on women still today and how prominent it still is through both social media and the outside world, so much so we don’t even question it. Using a mix of studio and narrative photography I created these images to highlight these issues grabbing society's attention in hope of making steps to improvement to not only protect ourselves but additionally younger and future generations of women. This entire project was inspired by the song, ‘Not My Responsibility’ by Billie Eilish, where she speaks of her own experience being a woman in the spotlight today, where people feel the have the right to judge and criticise for women not fitting in with the media's idea of the ‘perfect’ woman. I feel this song is one that many women across the world can relate to, which is why for my final piece I’ve created a video presentation using this song, visually displaying evidence and statistics on how the male gaze has been the main source for where these stereotypes and expectations have evolved from. These photographs each contextually display the internal and external consequences of these issues women today face. When looking at my final work you should interpret these in any way you feel personally connected with you and its context, these are meant for interpretation!